In order to comply with the decree of the Provincial Government concerning the control of dogs, the Municipality has updated its By-Law.
In accordance with BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-003, your dogs must be registered:
- If you have not yet registered your dog, please contact us to obtain a license at a cost of $10.00 per dog as well as complete a form no later than June 3rd.
- If your dog is already registered, do not forget to renew the license by paying the annual registration fee of $10.00$, due no later than June 3rd of each year.
- The fee to replace a license is set at $5.00.
*Dog owners or guardians who have their main residence elsewhere in Quebec are excluded from this obligation.

- Consult the Municipal By-Law number 2020-003, "Public Security By-Law concerning Dog Control" : HERE
- Consult the Municipal By-Law number 2020-003-01, "Public Security By-Law concerning Dog Control" : HERE
- Consult the Municipal By-Law number 2023-003, "By Law to Etablish Rates for the Supply of Goods and Services" : HERE
- Complete the FORM: HERE
For any additional information, please contact the Town Planning Department at (450) 562-0701.