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Prevention of conjugal and family violence

Municipal Services > Health and Social Services > Prevention of conjugal and family violence

La Citad'Elle: Source of reassurance and listening at the heart of a strong solidarity.
Site web (www.citadellelachute.ca)

You need help ?
You are wondering about your situation or that of a loved one ?
Chat with our team!

7 days a week. Confidential, quick, free.

One of the many challenges that women's shelters face is the difficulty in getting people in need to contact a resource for help. Although the SOS Violence Conjugale telephone number and affiliated organizations are widely publicized and awareness of violence against women is constantly growing, some people remain reluctant and hesitate to take action to get help.

A chat platform available
7 day a week, where people can initiate a discussion with a qualified counsellor in complete confidentiality and free of charge. An additional tool to encourage people who feel concerned by a situation of domestic violence to take action and reach out to a help resource. Spread the word in your network!

For more information, contact:

Marie Lévesque, communication agent
514 992-0224




The Argenteuil Domestic Violence Operational Committee launched its campaign in May 2021. This strong, accessible and colourful awareness campaign is the result of a community creation and is an initiative of the association of community organizations and institutions of the territory in order to give voice to this growing and alarming reality.

Playing on contrasts and perceptions, the campaign is built around three different perspectives: those of the victim, the aggressor and the witnesses. Four well thought-out messages emerge from this prevention campaign and expose the intricacies of domestic violence, which is often difficult to detect.

Initially conceived for billboards, the campaign will be deployed simultaneously on nearly twenty large panels strategically located throughout the nine local municipalities of the MRC of Argenteuil. Through this initiative, the Argenteuil Domestic Violence Operational Committee wishes to demonstrate the urgency of acting to reinforce the safety net around victims of domestic violence.





Road map of Wentworth

Road map of the MRC d'Argenteuil

WILD Policy

The municipalities of the MRC of Argenteuil